Wednesday 15 May 2013


Having taught Geography for the last 16 years, I am familiar with authentic methods of instruction like problem-based and project-based learning.  However, my familiarity ends with the incorporation of digital tools to enhance the experience and to make it easier, more engaging and meaningful.  My Goal is to strengthen my confidence and proficiency in following NETS-T indicators:
1b        Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.
2a        Design and adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
I would like to break down these goals to relate specifically to the content area of mass wasting processes such as landslides and rock falls and explore the availability and use of digital tools in addressing the cause of these processes and the problems that are created as a result of them.  Tools I would like to explore are the simulations or animations.

To achieve my goals I will use a KWHL chart to assess my knowledge on authentic instructional methods and digital tools.  I will use the web to locate case studies and lesson plans that incorporate technology in the instruction of the content area.  I will also access and read teacher journal articles that relate specifically to authentic methods of instruction in Geography and the tools that support it.  In our second video this week Vicki Davis pointed out that project ideas can be adapted from the principles and premises of past projects and that that finding someone to collaborate with is not difficult (Laureate Education, Inc., 2009a).  Therefore I will also attempt to reach out and collaborate with colleagues both locally and globally who may have explored a similar activity or would be interested in such.  I will also collaborate with a colleague on staff who is supportive of my undertaking which Dr. Peggy Ertmer outlines as one of the requirements of effectively integrating technology (Laureate Education, Inc., 2009b).

To monitor my progress I plan to keep a reflective journal that will not only document what I’ve done, but my thoughts and feeling about the process involved in preparing and implementing the instructional method and the digital tool.  I will seek to answer questions relating to the ease or difficulty of preparation and implementation, the reaction of students, my comfort level during the lesson and changes in my thinking about the teaching –learning process.  By engaging in such critical reflection I will be able to “understand the activity from different perspectives and use that understanding to set goals for future behavior and learning” (Cennamo, Ross & Ertmer, 2009, p. 12).

As with any lesson plan I must evaluate to determine if my goals were achieved and if I need to modify my lesson in the future.  My ultimate goal is to guide my students into becoming life-long learners and fostering their creative and critical thinking skills.  To evaluate if I have achieved this goal I will need to observe them while they are engaged in the activity and also have them reflect on their thinking and feeling about the lesson.  I could also record changes in their behavior patterns in successive activities using performance rubrics.  The students’ feedback and performance is critical as it is via these indicators that I can determine if my strategy was successful.


Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009a). Program four: Enriching Content Area Learning Experiences With Technology, Part 21 [Video Webcast]. Integrating technology across the content areas. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009b). Program three: Enriching Content Area Learning Experiences With Technology, Part 1 [Video Webcast]. Integrating technology across the content areas. Baltimore, MD: Author.


Unknown said...

Hello Amanda,
I think it is great that you are incorporating student performance indicators into your GAME plan. You mention using a rubric to assess that, Could you share more of your thoughts on what you might use as the dimensions in that rubric? And since your goal is to include more digital tools, what kind of digital tools do you have to access to there in St.Kitts? Is the technology just sitting there waiting to be used, or will you need to find a way to acquire the tools or make do with what you have?

Unknown said...

Some of the performance indicators I think I could use to evaluate the students are their ability to define a problem, analyze and interpret results and the depth of their reflection. Hopefully I’ll be able to assess the student’s developing proficiency in those areas. With reference to digital tools, my school has limited access to those. Most of our classrooms do not even have the infrastructure to use a projector. However there is a bright spark in all of this in that the government here has initiated a one to one laptop program. All high school students have been given one and the wireless internet will be launched within the next few weeks. This was the motivation for my enrollment in this program. Therefore I hope to initially use web-based tools that are not cost prohibitive. One of the courses I did, spoke to using a Microsoft application to create animations and simulations and so I would like to explore that.

WarriorMilkmaid said...

Amanda, I think that your goal to incorporate other colleagues and educators to improve your technology skills is going to be time well spent. I have found that especially when things get tough or frustrating it helps to reach out to someone else who has been there, done that. Sometimes I still have to have one of my more techie friends give me the proverbial fish as opposed to teaching me how to catch my own fish, but I find that even learning little skills has helped me. For example I now know how to show two screens on my laptop at the same time using the window icon key and the arrows. see I don't even know the name of the key, just that it has the little window picture on it. Anyway I find it challenging having to not only learn the new technologies but also the new lessons to apply it with. Hopefully as we become more fluent with the technology, creating lessons with it will become more intuitive. Your plan for your personal development is well thought out. good luck with its implementation!
Diane Miller