Sunday 24 February 2013


My personal learning theory developed a few weeks ago stated that students learn through hands-on experience and visuals as well as modeling.  I still believe in all of those, however after having been exposed to the content of this course I need to revise some of my beliefs.   I believe that it is important for learners to be exposed to a variety of instructional strategies that align with different theories.  The teacher needs to consider the particular topic to be taught, the learning styles of the students, the limitations that they face, and the resources available to make a decision as to what strategy to use.  The lesson must be engaging.  Given the digital age that we now live in and the immersion of our students in the technology, it is important for technology to be used as a learning tool to get them actively engaged in their own learning and allowing the students to develop essential twenty-first century skills.  Technology also provides more avenues for use of visuals which I firmly believe is an essential element of learning.

As a result of my exposure to this course one of the immediate adjustments I would have to make is using technology as a learning tool rather than an instructional tool.  The focus has always been on the instructor working the technology while lecturing or teaching, but it is important to place the technology in the hands of the students ad have them actively engaged in the use of the technology (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011b).  

Two technological tools that I would like to use are the voice thread and animations.  Voice threads give the students the opportunity to express themselves and showcase their work in a new and unique way.  It provides the opportunity for them to hear themselves and listen to their thought processes, which is pertinent for them to develop their skills as learners.    Teaching geography involves the teaching of a lot of processes and I would love to explore the use of animation software to represent those processes.  It would allow the students to construct their own meaning in an engaging activity, one that would create an episodic and emotional memory which is an important catalyst for learning (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011a).

Nine clusters of instructional skills were presented during the duration of the course.  These strategies are not new to me, however exposure to the materials presented in this course has provided clarity in their use and implementation.  The ability to use technology as a tool while incorporating these strategies provides a fresh new perspective to the teaching using these strategies. 

Two long-term goal changes in relation to my instructional practice are to deepen my technology skills and creating an atmosphere in my school that fosters technology integration.  To deepen my technology skills I plan to use the text provided in this course and also attend workshops available to me.  There are so many applications to Microsoft Word and Excel programs that I now realize that I am unfamiliar with that can be used to create engaging learning environments.  I received some interesting recommendations on how to make my classrooms more technology friendly from my voice thread assignment which I plan to explore and implement.  Hopefully once the costs are explored it will be a project that my school can fund from its own resources.  I also intend to explore the possibility of accessing a Smart board for my school and getting trained in using it.  I will explore the possibility of obtaining grant funding for that project.

My experiences participating in this course has been life-changing.  I complete it with a new perspective on how technology can make a difference in the classroom.  My perception of using technology in the classroom was teacher-centered, however I have learned that I need to place the technology in the hands of the students for learning to take place.    I look forward to the next course and to learning more.


Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011a). Program thirteen: Technology: Instructional tool vs. learning tool [Video webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Retrieved from

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011b). Program two: Brain research and learning [Video webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Retrieved from

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