Sunday 16 December 2012


The one to one laptop program at my school inspired me to delve deeper into what we as teachers and administrators could do with the laptops to enhance the teaching learning process.  After two years of laptop distribution, I decided to take matters into my own hands and register for this program.  I expected to learn about projectors and smart boards.  I knew nothing of wikis and blogs and podcasts, but learning that there are ways of integrating the use of technology in the classroom without major hardware or software was illuminating.  The experience has been enlightening, to say the least.  I am proud that I was able to navigate through the technology to actually create my own blog, contribute to a wiki and publish my won podcast.  Unfortunately family and work commitments have limited my ability to fully explore some other tools, but I plan to in the future.

My knowledge of the teaching and learning process has deepened, in that I now have a better understanding of the reasons why there is a disconnect between the teachers and the students.  I now understand that the teaching style of most teachers is not meeting the needs of the students.  The course has helped me understand that my main purpose is no longer to infuse knowledge but to develop skills in students that will encourage life-long learning and will help them to compete in a global market-place, such as expert decision making, communication, research and collaborative skills.

Changing my perspective from a teacher-centered towards a learner-centered orientation is integral to the proper use of technology in the classroom.  Students are no longer coming to class expecting that I will know all the answers, but expect me to help them build their own knowledge.  I am their facilitator, their guide.  Encouraging a learner-centered environment does not mean that I’m no longer in control, just that my role has changed slightly.

I will continue to expand my knowledge of learning, teaching and leading with technology by accessing and utilizing on-line courses, subscribing or accessing education journals and blogs.  I have to make a concerted effort to become more active in updating my knowledge of issues that influence practices in education.  Some of the resources presented during the course will be explored further, such as the Partnering for 21st Century skills site. My understanding of the impact of technology on learning has now forced me to conduct research when I hear about something new.

Two long-term goals that I have for transforming the classrooms at my school are

1.            The establishment of a multimedia center where some of the tools needed by teachers are easily accessible, such as projector screen, smart board and computer stations.  I think that this is essential for effective presentations by both students and teachers.  I will need to access project funding to accomplish this, but I am determined to see it happen.

2.            Engagement of the staff at my school in the use of technological tools in the teaching and learning process.  Very few teachers know about or use blogs, as such I believe that this a good place to start.  I will establish a blog for the school which will allow for exposure.  To encourage teachers to use it as a teaching tool, I plan to target specific departments initially by training and guiding the teachers.   I then plan to use the successful integration of the blogs in those departments to feed the interest of other departments.

As a result of the administrative role at my school, my answers to the checklist have not changed.  However, at the beginning of the course I would not have had the background or skills as to how to use technology to share information nor how to use them as a collaborative tool.  I now have those skills and the responsibility of sharing it with my colleagues. 
I thoroughly enjoyed this course.  It was an eye-opener for me.  Though frustrating at times, I enjoyed the practical elements.  It was a true reflection of what I’m expected to practice as a teacher.

Sunday 2 December 2012


I have conducted a survey of my grade nine students relating to their access to and use of technology for social and educational purposes.  Using the analysis of the survey results I have created a podcast with sound bites from three of the students.  Please find the link for the podcast attached.  This is my first time doing a podcast, so I hope it works.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Partnering for 21st Century Skills

The above titled website provided a medium through which I could explore much of the content that I have been exposed to thus far, but in a much more concise format.  This is a document that I can envision referring to again and again.

The partners involved in this initiative are drawn from many of the stakeholders involved in the preparation of students for the 21st century workplace.These stakeholders include both private and public companies, computer and software manufacturers as well as stakeholders involved in  curriculum and assessment development such as the Department of Education.  Their mandate is powerful from researching best practices to ensuring that everyone gets on board with the program.

The majority of the site focused on explaining the 6 key elements of 21st century learning and the nine steps to building momentum.  These provide a good framework for anyone who wants to know how to start infusing these 21st century skills into their classroom structure.  In my country some of the core subjects listed are not emphasized such as civics, government, economics and arts and I do not believe that adding this to our packed curriculum will be beneficial.  I also do not agree with the National Center for Education that the more content students are taught the more they learn and the better they perform on later achievement tests (pg 23).  In St Kitts the government is embarking on a revision of the primary school curriculum because so many students enter high schools having still not  mastered basic concepts and skills.  It is the common opinion of many educators here that the curriculum is overloaded and hence does not provide enough opportunities of mastery.

In my Caribbean context, where resources are limited many of the steps to build momentum are beyond the capacity of schools to achieve.  However, I do see areas where as educators and educator leaders we can begin addressing, for example the development of professional development plan, that ensures that all teachers in my school are versed in the use of technological tools.  The sharing of knowledge and skills by one teacher to several can make a big difference.  It only takes a spark to get the fire going. 

Wednesday 7 November 2012


As much as I would like to explore the potential of using blogs as a collaborative space, I feel i need to take baby steps.  Therefore I would like to start by using the blog as a class portal, where, notes, homework, instructions and resources are posted.  It may even offer opportunities for discussion on a particular topic. 

For the grade 11 class I propose creating a blog for the teaching of natural hazards, in particular hurricanes.  This will involve explaining the distribution, development and structure of hurricanes as well as the impact of it on life and property, and human response to it.

I believe using blogs in this context will enhance the lesson, as the blog will be a storehouse of information, providing links to sites where more information and images may be obtained, provide access to breaking events, it will help teach students research skills, save time and resources, allow parents to participate in their children's learning and provide transparency for school administrators.  There are tremendous benefits to be obtained from all this information plus comments on discussions being located in one space.

Saturday 3 November 2012

About the Author

My name is Amanda Serrant-Edmead, and I was born in the beautiful 'Nature Island of the Caribbean', Dominica.  In 1994 I graduated from the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus in Jamaica, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography.  I also met my future husband there, Randolph, who I married in 1996.  I migrated to St. Kitts that same year, since then we have had two wonderful boys, Rohan 13, and Jayden 8.  Since my move to St Kitts, I have worked as a teacher of Geography at the Basseterre High School.  In 2010, I was promoted to the post of Deputy Principal.  I am currently pursuing a Graduate Certificate in integrating Technology in the Classroom with Walden University and very excited about it.